This course is designed for current and emerging leaders in park and protected area type organizations, where they work with land use and conservation responsibilities. Most participants have been from federal, provincial or territorial park organizations in Canada.
Participants have travelled from four continents; from: Canada, Nepal, Chile, Brazil, Guyana and Kenya.
If you plan to send staff from your organization, consider sending those with some or all of the following attributes. Keep in mind that an organization chart does not tell you who your leaders are, and executives often do not know who their leaders are. Key leaders may not even see themselves as such.
- Several years work experience in responsible positions related to land use, in organizations with responsibilities for both conservation and use;
- Curious, intelligent, creative, innovative;
- Networkers; go-to people regardless of their position in the organization;
- Systems thinkers; big-picture thinkers;
- Constructive devil’s advocates or mavericks; people who bring unusual perspectives or ask unexpected questions;
- Have valuable expertise that should be used more;
- Are good at connecting ideas;
- Are starting to question traditional ways of doing things and wanting to rethink approaches;
- Interested in moving “up the ladder” or in being more effective leaders in their current positions.
This is not a course in supervision or in management.
It will not be ideal for new park employees (though it may be appropriate for some who have moved to parks with considerable experience) nor is it intended for individuals on the verge of retirement. It is designed for very different types of leaders including networking, line and executive roles.